Working with Elementor Forms on your WordPress website is becoming more and more common as a way to collect useful data, build mailing lists, book meetings or even sell products.
But there's plenty of unexplored potential when it comes to these powerful tools. Transform the way you think about Elementor Forms and especially what you can do with them, by exploring new frontiers of data submission thanks to certain specialized plugins that work wonders with Elementor, expanding its usability and transforming its forms into more than simple data collection instruments.
Data submission on the frontend rather than just collection.
Say for example you're creating a collaborative writing portal, or even a social network using BuddyPress, Elementor and WordPress. You may want to find ways for the users navigating your pages to submit certain data that can modify the live site, or even post new posts. Gloo has plenty of features for Frontend Submission, but there's one in particular that has a very interesting use case.
Custom Post Type Form Field.
With this extension for your Elementor Forms, you can create a handy drop-down menu within your actual forms that lists out any and all, selectable Custom Post Types you've created, so that an user may select one, and bring it to your attention through the submission process.
Now, this ties in with Gloo's other features like Frontend Post Submission, as users will be able to select which Custom Post Type to submit the post they've just written to.
You can set the menu to return selection boxes, checkboxes, and radio options, all supporting multiple selection if needed. Order by Date, ID, Alphabetical Order, and according to the order in the menu.
Exclude or include specific posts by ID, or entire taxonomy terms in the respective fields.
All in all, a very versatile tool that adds to the already exhaustive Forms Extensions family.